Find the best place in Grabouw.
Numbers of places in Grabouw.
Yes. Grabouw is great place to visit. It have everything you need. Grabouw is a place where you find farms, stores, schools and a Mini Mall(Grabouw Center Mall).
Grabouw is a town in the Western Cape, south-east of Cape Town, over Sir Lowry's Pass between Hottentots-Holland, Kogelberg, Groenland and Houw Hoek Mountains.
Grabouw's climate is a Mediteranean climate, more moderate in other town in Western Cape with abundant rainfall, mostly in the winter months, although strong summer south-easterly winds bring sometimes squalls. The wind as known 'Black South-Easter' for winds and showers.
You can cycle your bike, walk, run or drive around on the mountain if you visit between Elgin and Houw Hoek Mountains. If you stay/visit between Valley, High Rising and Houw Hoek, you can walk, run and drive in the forest/bush. Just be careful about tick and mosquitoes(In the evening).
Most apples and pears. Have grapes, plums and other deciduous fruits.
Just visit Grabouw and you enjoy our friendly community. Book a place to stay. Walk, run or cycle your bike in the bush/forest between Elgin and Houw Hoek Mountains.
If you come visit Grabouw, don't forget to visit the history museum to learn more about Grabouw history.
Visit the museum, walk, run or cycle in the forest/bush between Elgin and Houw Hoek Mountains or in town. You can do anything in Grabouw.
Grabouw Museum, Grabouw Center Mall, Elgin Market